Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My parents and grandma went to visit my brother in Ft. Lauderdale this past week and last minute I decided to crash their trip. I hope they didn't mind too much.

The highlight of the trip for me was a tour through the Everglades. We started the day with an air boat ride through the marsh. Here's my family hanging out on a hammock in the middle of the swamp. As you can see, we were all bundled up. We were hoping to get away from the cold winter days. Unfortunately, Florida was in the middle of an unusual cold front the majority of the time we were there.

Here's my grandma and I in front of some wild life right off of the road. It's amazing how many alligators and birds we saw. I don't think you can tell from this picture put there were alligators lined up pretty much nonstop along the canal right off the road.

This was as close as I dared get to the alligators. They didn't even seem to notice any of us were around.

The Everglades tour ended with a boat ride where the Everglades end and the Gulf of Mexico begins. I was thrilled to see dolphins swimming in the wake of the boat.


  1. No pictures of the dolphins? Sounds like fun. Wish I could have gone too!

  2. are you sure you are having twins?? You are barely showing. I am twice the size of you and I am only having a single.

  3. fun stuff, your smart to go do stuff before the babies come, and your grandma is adorable :) love her... your adorable too

  4. I totally second what Carrie says - I don't see a belly at all on you!!

  5. You guys are so nice to say I'm barely showing. I left the pictures out that I look like I'm 9 months pregnant, which is a little more accurate. My brother told my one night when I was wearing a white hoodie that I looked like a giant cream puff :) He was right.

  6. I have to agree Ash, you don't look pregnant. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of the boys. And you are brave getting close to those gators. Hope all is well

  7. http://www.toxel.com/inspiration/2009/02/11/27-beautiful-and-creative-cake-designs/

    thought you might like this link.

  8. I've missed you tons sister and reading your blog has made me nostalgic. I can't believe you're having twins! That is so awesome. I would love to chat with you sometime. I left my number on Dave's facebook. Call me! Bethany

  9. Fun trip! And loved yout talks on sunday. You guys are so funny!
